15 Damn Good Pieces of Marriage Advice All Couples Need to Read

by - January 28, 2022

15 Damn Good Pieces of Marriage Advice All Couples Need to Read

What are the rules of marriage that can really make you happy? The answer is none. But just a guide. Why? Because what works for one partner may be ridiculed by another. Everything depends. However, there is still one thing: couples need to know what is right for them and must immediately give up bad habits that can ruin their relationship. Because marriage does not always feel happy, there must be conflict. They need communication, evolution, curiosity, and approval from both partners to constantly do the work to help them adapt and grow for the better. So there are things that every couple should be aware of like fighting, bad habits, flexibility and many more that every couple should understand.

Here are 15 suggestions on how to keep a marriage intact from experts as well as those who have been married for years.

1. Communication

"I think communication is key. Although everyone will definitely say the same thing, the communication I mean here is to really listen to each other and decide that you can take the time to relieve emotions but without avoiding the problems at hand. Fight fairly. My husband often forgets about problems, whereas I won't assume everything is okay until the problem is completely solved. So communication is very important," said Cynthia, who has been married for four years.

2. Respect

"Respect each other. Never say or do anything that will worsen your problems with your husband. Especially if it offends his pride. Never forget about respect!" added Cynthia.

3. It’s not about receiving

"Probably the best advice I've ever received is: a relationship is not a place to get something, but to give something," says Gina, who has been married for two years.

4. You can’t stop trying

"You should always treat your partner the way you did during your honeymoon. Be kind, patient, loving, willing to help your partner and be there for them at all times. As André Maurois said: 'A happy marriage is a long conversation.' So chat with your partner all the time, communicate, and find new hobbies to do together until you always have something to talk about with him!"

5. Keep showing gratitude to your partner

"Being grateful for your partner is one of the greatest gifts you can give your partner and yourself. Every day, write a list of at least three things you're grateful for about your partner. Don't forget to tell your partner every day how grateful you are to have a husband like him," advises Dr. Dain Heer, relationship expert.

6. Live your relationship like you just got married

"Eliminate and forget the bad things of yesterday, then start with a new relationship every day," said Dr. Dain.

7. Don’t go to bed angry

"Don't take your problems to bed. Before you go to bed, after a fight or anger, make a list of what you're grateful for and let the resentment subside. You will feel better," explained Dr. Dain.

8. Speak up

"Be honest with what you expect and what you want, because you can't expect your partner to be able to read your mind. After being open to each other about your feelings and your partner, a good husband won't mind meeting your expectations, even if things aren't perfect right away," said Taras, who has been married for 2.5 years.

9. Don’t hold things in

"Don't get into the habit of harboring your feelings, leaving them piled up will only end with an emotional outburst that will make things fall apart," advises Alia, who has been married for 6 years.

10. Don’t lose yourself

"Make sure we don't leave things we love, such as exercising, listening to music, painting, and so on. It's important to stay true to ourselves and live what we love even though we are married to stay happy and not lose our identity," said Alia.

11. Keep the reminders coming

"Do not hesitate to remind each other of the important things to maintain household harmony. Like a wedding anniversary or the next date schedule," Alia added.

12. Do nice things without being asked to

"Randomly leave notes, buy presents, or send flowers for no reason," said Alia.

13. Have sex on date night

"I have a friend who is also a psychologist, and she advised me to go on a dating show with my husband with sex," Kristi said, having been married for 1.5 years.

14. The success of a marriage requires a strong foundation

"Know that you probably won't always feel in love with your marriage, and there's nothing wrong with that. Sometimes you will hate your husband when arguing with him, it's natural because every relationship will pass the best and lowest point. But if your relationship is built on strong love and communication, the lowest point that is successfully passed will actually strengthen your marriage stronger, "explained Kristi.

15. Stay compact in front of the kids

"If you already have children, whatever household problems you face, stay compact and harmonious in front of the child. Problems faced with the husband, talk about it alone, without involving children, "added Kristi.
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