4 Psychological Reasons Love Can Fade

by - January 23, 2022

4 Psychological Reasons Love Can Fade

You who have a hobby of watching romantic dramas must have imagined that your love and your partner will last forever. Or for those of you who have not found a partner, must have imagined will find a soulmate who can live and die together. Falling in love is certainly normal for everyone, but don't forget, if you talk about the beauty of falling in love, you also have to be prepared for the sadness of fading love.

Various reasons love fades

Yes, your love for your partner can be lost without a trace. No exception for those of you who are tied up in marriage.

Divorce is not a sign that your love with your partner has faded, many other factors affect it, but if your marriage is troubled usually the love will also disappear. There are several reasons that cause your love and your partner to disappear, here are 4 reasons why your love fades.

1. The reality of life

Your busy daily life turns out to be very influential with your love life, due to the fact that many couples can not divide their time well. As a result, many feel that they don't have a partner to share with.

Couples who experience this will usually arise in disbelief and if left will make things worse, especially for those in the marriage. This distrust will cause negative thoughts towards each other. This will easily eliminate the feeling of love for the couple slowly.

2. Poor communication

Those of you who have an extraordinarily busy life certainly also have a love life. Usually, for those of you who are busy, communication is mostly a major problem. According to psychologist Will Meek, communication is the most important thing about how you share what you're thinking and how you understand how others feel.

Communication is certainly not always synonymous with the meeting, but about how you listen to your partner's thoughts and feelings. If this doesn't go well, then you and your partner can't understand each other's thoughts and feelings. Furthermore, this will affect your love for your partner.

3. Time can make love fade

In terms of love, of course, feelings become the most important factor. According to Lisa Firestone, a psychotherapist, love may not disappear from your love life, but feelings of love for your partner can change based on time. The intensity of your love for your partner can be very different at the beginning of your meeting and can increase or decrease over time until feelings are lost and your love for your partner fades.

4. Changes in your partner

It can also be the reason your love for your partner fades. When you fall in love you see all the good things in your partner. However, once you know the bad side of your partner, your love will be severely tested, you will shift some of your feelings towards things you don't like from your partner, and this greatly affects your love and relationship.

Every couple has different ways of dealing with their relationship problems. If you are married, of course, your feelings of love for a couple that begins to disappear will greatly affect your married life. It's a good thing for you and your partner to immediately solve this problem together or meet the right person to solve it.

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