Marriage Is Not Easy, These Are 5 Things You Must Have First

by - January 07, 2022

Marriage Is Not Easy, These Are 5 Things You Must Have First

Many people say that getting married is the highest step in a person's journey of love and life. Right. But the thing to remember is that going through it is not easy. If you think marriage is something beautiful and always brings happiness, it's better to delete those thoughts for a while.

Here are some things you need to prepare before you are sure to go to the wedding.

1. Mental

This is the most important thing. Mental here can be from men or women. You have to convince your partner that marriage is hard, so you have to help each other, prioritize togetherness, and give in to each other. If one is still being selfish and wins on his own while dating, it's better to first control your emotions before it's too late.

You will experience problems that you have never experienced before. An argument you've never had before with your partner. It's also pressure you've never felt before.

2. Maturity

Maturity here can be interpreted as action or thought. In married life, you must have a target in life. Your brain is required to think twice as fast as before when it comes to decision-making.

Especially for men, you must have a nature that is at least more mature than your partner. Because you are the head of the family. As for women, you must be wise and mature in managing all household finances. If you still like snacks and shopping for items that are less useful, it will destabilize the household. It doesn't demand the possibility for those on large incomes. Maturity in this case is very necessary.

3. Reliable by a partner

It's men-only. You should at least be able to be relied upon by your partner first. Again, because you are the head of the family. Reliable can also be material, you must be able to meet the needs of the family. Or be reliable in terms of attitude. For example, if there are parts of the house that are not clean, you should be able to act as a savior. For example leaking faucets, broken table legs, repairing tiles, and other small things.

These kinds of things you have to master so that your wife will one day feel dependent on you. In addition to awake intimacy, he will also argue that you are the only one who is most valuable in the world.

4. Firm

It's women-only. You have to be tough in the face of the world of marriage. When you decide to marry the man of your choice, then everything you must prioritize to your husband. No longer to the elderly.

Usually, women will tend to still side with their biological parents rather than their husbands. You forget that your husband has complete power over you. Your obedience must be to the husband. There's no reason you care about your parents more than your husband. Except with the permission of the husband. Again, my husband has complete control over you.

5. Finance

There is no rule that marriage should be rich. There is no rule of getting married to have a home first. When both are ready. Then get married. But what needs to be remembered here is the need for money in the family. It doesn't have to be rich. At least men should have a job, which means not being unemployed. No one prohibits the wife from working, but the husband must have an income. Because this is where you as a man can fulfill the duty of a husband, which is to provide for a wife.

Those are the 5 things you must have before stepping into marriage. Although in reality, not everyone has every point above. It depends on each individual. Sometimes everything can be done if it's done. But the most important thing is the will and sincerity in the household. Good luck!
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