The Meaning of the Tradition of Throwing Flowers at Weddings

by - January 14, 2022

The Meaning of the Tradition of Throwing Flowers at Weddings

Do you often attend weddings? Surely you realize there is one important tradition that often steals the attention of those who are single, namely the tradition of throwing flowers. This flower throwing event is carried out by the groom and the woman who simultaneously, the groom and the woman hold on to the bouquet, throwing the bouquet towards the invited guest. This time we will discuss the meaning and meaning of throwing flowers at this wedding.

The Beginning of Tradition

The tradition of throwing bouquets began in Europe and North America. Previously the tradition of tearing up a bride's dress and then being stored, this has already been done. Wedding dresses are believed to bring good luck when it comes to romance.

Along with the development of the times, the price of a bride's dress is not as cheap as in the past and the bride prefers to keep her dress for her children and grandchildren later. Finally, many brides think to replace the tradition and not cause harm to all parties, therefore the tradition of throwing a bouquet of wedding flowers was born.

Meaning of a Bouquet of Flowers

The bouquet of flowers brought by the bride is symbolized by beauty and fertility. The flower baket is expected to get hope to soon follow the bride to marry by getting the right partner and living a happy life.

While people who already have a partner, it is expected to quickly catch up with the bride to get married.

Bouquet Throwing Procession

At first, the bride only wanted to throw it at her best friend, but after thinking and passing time, the bride chose to throw a bouquet of flowers at all invited guests who had attended in order to avoid favoritism and injustice. The bride will throw the bouquet flowers to the invited guests with their backs to the guest.

Then by some count, the bouquet flowers will be the grab of the invited guests. Who gets the bouquet flowers, it is said that he will get a soul mate in the near future. And who already have a partner, it is believed that the wedding will soon be held as desired.

Have you ever had a bouquet of flowers thrown at a wedding?

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