This Woman Successfully Lost Weight 44 Kg After Being Left Behind By Boyfriend Ahead of Marriage due to Fat

by - January 20, 2022

This Woman Successfully Lost Weight 44 Kg After Being Left Behind By Boyfriend Ahead of Marriage due to Fat

Dumped lovers before marriage is certainly very painful. Even more so if the cause is due to being overweight. Pamela Doyle, from Glasgow, Scotland.

Pamela told of her relationship with her boyfriend ran aground a week before the wedding day, August 2012. One of the reasons the boyfriend decided their romance was his weight which at that time reached 108 kg.

"He ended the relationship because of my weight and some other issues," said Pamela, whose ex-boyfriend is a soldier and declined to give her name.

Dumped lover a week before the wedding makes Pamela hurt. He is also motivated to lose weight. As a result, less than a year, the 31-year-old woman managed to trim her excess weight by 44 kg. Now he uses a size 12, from the previous size 24.

Pamela also told how she was so fat and then successfully lost weight. In the past when he still weighed more than 100 kg, he often hid and was lazy to leave the house. To shop for clothes, he also prefers online shopping because of the shame of meeting people.

Weight gain began to be experienced as a teenager into his 20s. He loves to eat everything from macaroni cheese and potato chips for lunch, chocolate and chips for snacking to ice cream.

Pamela's desire to eat increased when her lover who she knew when she was 17 decided to become a soldier. To overcome the sadness if she misses her boyfriend, Pamela will eat.

"I was moody and when my girlfriend came back, I hid and didn't want to get out of the room. He kept reminding me to eat healthy and try to help me but I had a hard time living it," said the woman, who works at the company's call centre.

In 2009, the girlfriend proposed to him. At that time it weighed more than 100 kg. He also tried to control so as not to continue to rise. Pamela tried to take a diet class and managed to lose a few pounds, but then she gave up.

Pamela and her boyfriend's wedding was supposed to take place in August 2012 at a castle in Scotland. Both have already paid a down payment for the rental of the location and the band. But in March 2012, the boyfriend came to her and said she wanted to break up.

"I was very disappointed but it was a turning point where I had to do something about my weight," she said.
Pamela then contacted personal fitness trainer David Wilson at Rapid-Hypno Fitness. The fitness center combines exercise with hypnosis and psychology. When Pamela came to him, David tried to overcome the woman's mentality before starting to train physically.

"When he came he was very emotional and had a lot of negative thoughts. We overcame that before his physicality. He then undergoes interval training with 30-minute sessions for six or seven times a week. The exercise consists of cardio, vascular exercise, static bikes and treadmills, "explained David.
Pamela's attempts to lose weight paid off. Now his weight has been successfully reduced by 44 kg. The former lover who dumped her doesn't believe in Pamela's new body.

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