70 Relationship Questions To Ask (Before Things Get Too Serious)

by - February 06, 2022

70 Relationship Questions To Ask (Before Things Get Too Serious)

How do you know if your current partner is really the "right person"? This is one of the most common relationship questions I get from clients, conference attendees, and even friends.

Most people tend to judge their compatibility and happiness with their partner by looking at other partners. Just because the other couple looks happy doesn't mean the relationship is pure happy without any problems

When you observe other people's romantic experiences as a spectator that makes you stop and wonder, "Is their relationship a happy one?" And, of course, then the inevitable: "Is our relationship happy?"

To make it easier for couples to assess their relationship and compatibility, I've created this list of 70 relationship questions to ask your boyfriend, girlfriend, or lover. The discussion topics listed below will not only provide food for thought but may even initiate the kind of communication breakthrough you both need. 

I'm always amazed at how couples can go weeks, months, or even years without delving into and connecting each other's core values, beliefs, and goals. I even advise newlyweds who are shocked to find they disagree on whether or not to have children!

You don't have to bombard your lover with all 70 questions at once, just browse through the list to find the ones that interest you. For example, you may already know how much your partner likes to relax, but you want to know when he last cried or what he considers his most precious possession.

This list is suitable for couples at every stage of a relationship, from those who are just starting out to those who have already established a long-term relationship. So let's narrow it down and explore these 70 insightful questions about relationship compatibility.

Tips for good conversation in relationships
1. Honest: Always be honest with your partner when talking. There's nothing worse than being lied to by your boyfriend.
2. Listening: The best conversations involve careful listening.
3. Show respect: When speaking, you should always respect your partner's thoughts, dreams, experiences, fears, regrets, and nightmares. Respect is everything in a good relationship.

Questions about a good relationship
If you want to improve your relationship with deep and meaningful conversations, you need to find the right conversation topics. The following 10 great questions to ask in a relationship are perfect for a great conversation for you and your partner. With those questions, you get a chance to improve your relationship. So take your partner and have a look!

1. What is the earliest memory you have of me?
When you ask this question, you and your partner get a chance to talk about your first date. Maybe it's love at first sight for your partner, or it might take a little longer before he's convinced.

2. What would be the perfect romantic getaway for you?

Everyone loves to travel. And what's better than talking about your dream of a romantic getaway with your partner?

3. What do you want to achieve in your life?
This question about a good relationship is perfect for starting to talk about your future with your lover. It is important to know your partner's plans, dreams, and desires.

4. What is the best advice anyone has ever given you?
With these questions, you can learn more about your partner's past. By asking this question, you can dive into deep conversations about past experiences.

5. What do you like most about me?
This question is tricky: Does your partner like your appearance more than your thoughts?

6. How did your last relationship end?
It is always good to know how your previous partner's relationship ended. Yes, it can be painful to talk about past relationships, but it's important to avoid repeating mistakes.

7. How did you grow up?
This question is to talk about your childhood experiences with your partner. It is wonderful to share stories about your family and childhood friends.

8. Have you ever fallen in love before me?
Another tricky question about your partner's past. This question can lead to a deep and meaningful conversation about love in general.

9. What's one thing you can't stand in a relationship?

Frequently asked questions about these relationships can save you from making mistakes. Just remember the answer!

10. What is the story behind your first kiss?
Honestly, the most awkward and weird first kiss. But in a relationship, you and your partner need to be open to each other and be able to talk about previous romantic experiences.

Deep relationship questions to ask your partner
The following 10 relationship questions to ask your partner are ideal for an in-depth conversation. The conversation starts off perfectly to dive into a meaningful discussion with your significant other. Check it out and start talking to your boyfriend!

1. What was the worst day of your life so far and why?
Yes, this is a difficult one. But in a relationship, you have to be there for each other in good times and bad. We guarantee, sharing your worst experiences with each other will bring you closer.

2. Do you believe in God?

There are many different religions in this world. Some take their beliefs very seriously, some less, and some don't believe them at all. So, ask this question and get to know your partner's opinion.

3. Who is the most important person in your life?
Besides you, of course. Perhaps the most important person to him was someone from his family? Or one of his friends? Ask questions and find answers.

4. What do you think about the occult?

Opinions differ here. Some people believe in ghosts, haunted houses, and witches, and then again there are people who only believe in science. What's your type of boyfriend?

5. Do you want to get married? If so when?
Even though marriage is not as popular as it is today, many couples still choose to get married. You should definitely discuss this topic with your partner to see if you share the same opinion.

6. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?
Another tough question. We doubt that there is a correct answer here. If your partner is very uncomfortable with this question, you may be better off skipping it.

7. When was the last time you cried and why?

Maybe because of some bad news, or an injury, or just because of a sad movie. Ask questions and be prepared to hear sad stories.

8. How would you describe a perfect day?

We all want to see our partner happy all the time, right? Then one step closer to making your favorite person happy and seeing her dream of the perfect day.

9. What's the one thing you can't live without?
Yes, we are looking for “something”, not people. If your partner says "you", it doesn't count.

10. If you could see the future, what would you like to see 5 years from now?
This question is perfect for knowing the dreams of your partner in the future. Talking about future dreams is always a great way to dive into a deep conversation. And who knows, maybe your boyfriend or girlfriend dreams of you?

Fun relationship questions
Do you and your partner like to make each other laugh? Then the next 10 fun relationship questions are for you. When you share the funniest and most embarrassing stories, fantasies and thoughts with each other, you will burst out laughing! Check them out!

1. What's your weirdest dream about me?
It doesn't matter if it's a normal dream or a daydream, sometimes crazy thoughts pop up. And who knows, maybe you starred in the craziest dream ever?

2. What is the best joke you know?
Clear the stage! Get ready to hear the best jokes your partner has. Tip: If it's a racist or sexist joke, run.

3. What is your craziest sex fantasy?

Uh, getting hot now. If this is a very strange fantasy, try not to judge your partner.

4. What is your favorite drink?
Once you share your favorite drink, you can also prepare and drink it right away. If you are lazy you can of course visit the next bar…

5. What is the funniest moment of your life so far?
Let's go and ask this question to be a part of the funniest moment in your partner's life. Maybe you shouldn't laugh too loudly if he's embarrassing himself.

6. What was your first impression of me?
In fact, first impressions are often very funny. Maybe your boyfriend initially thought you were a total bitch? Or maybe your boyfriend thinks you're a show-off? Share your thoughts!

7. Who is the funniest person you know?
Maybe you? If you don't know the person, ask the funniest story!

8. What was the funniest thing that ever happened on one of your dates?
During a date, it might be a very embarrassing moment, but that's how the best stories come out, right?

9. What is your most embarrassing sex story?
Everyone has at least one embarrassing bed story and you have nothing to be ashamed of. Dare to share your most embarrassing sex stories with your partner and start laughing!

10. If I were an animal, what would I be?
There are lots of great animals out there. But I hope he doesn't say you're going to be a skunk. Or cockroaches.

Serious relationship questions
With the next 10 serious questions, you and your partner get a chance to improve your relationship. The following questions are about your past, present, and future thoughts. Take a look at them and enjoy some great talks with your significant other!

1. What do you think about love?
Everyone has a different opinion about love. Some believe in one big love, while others want to have diverse and shorter relationships. Ask this question and dive into a serious discussion about love.

2. What do you value most in our relationship?
Appreciate whatever your partner answers to this serious question, and maybe add yours to this one as well. It will make both of you happy!

3. What do you think, is it okay to deceive someone?
This question can save you from unpleasant surprises later on.

4. What do you think about the current political situation in our country?
Yes, this is a difficult one. But in a serious relationship, it's also important to exchange views on political opinion. It's definitely never too early for this conversation.

5. What was the worst thing that ever happened in one of your past relationships?
We all carry baggage from our previous relationships with us. No matter what your partner will say, try to show understanding. But don't rush your partner to answer if he doesn't want to answer the question.

6. Where would you like to live in the future?
This serious relationship question is important if you are thinking about taking the next step. Start talking and make sure you're on the same page!

7. If we have children, which of us will stay at home?
Even if you're not thinking about your own children right now, it's never too early to talk about such things.

8. When was the last time you were jealous?
Jealousy is a terrible feeling. While no one wants to be jealous, we all will at some point in our relationship. Tip: If your partner admits that he's often jealous, you should try to help him feel more secure in the relationship.

9. What goals do you have for our future?
Have you finally found the one person you want to spend the rest of your life with? Perfect! Then ask him this serious question to see if you share the same opinion.

10. Is there a question you never asked me but always wanted?
If so, now is the time to ask this question.

Important relationship questions
There are certain topics that should definitely be discussed in a relationship. We've rounded up the 10 most important relationship questions you should ask your partner right away. Check them out and dive into important conversations with your partner!

1. How important is your family to you?

Is there anything more important than family? In our opinion no, but well, everyone has their own experience with the topic of family. But be careful, this question can mean that from now on you will be a part of every family gathering.

2. Have you ever betrayed someone?

If so, be sure to let your partner finish the full story. Who knows, maybe there's a good reason for his behavior?

3. What is your plan if we have financial problems?
No one knows what will happen in the future. And unfortunately, financial difficulties can happen to anyone. It's a good idea to make contingency plans with your partner now.

4. What can improve our relationship?
There is a lot of work and compromise behind a successful relationship.

5. How do you tell me if you are no longer happy in our relationship?
Even in the best of relationships, doubts sometimes arise. And the only thing that helps is discussing your thoughts with your partner. Communication is key.

6. What would you define as cheating?
While flirting is cheating for some people, even for others to make out with other people is fine. Early in any relationship, you should explain what the word "cheating" means to you.

7. Do you want to have children?
Even if you don't want to have children yourself, you should discuss this topic with your partner. It is very important to share your thoughts and plans for children with your partner.

8. What do you think about my family?
Even if you often get irritated by your loving parents or annoying siblings, no one else is allowed to say anything against them. Of course not, it's your family. But in a successful relationship, your partner becomes a part of your family, so you have to accept his opinion about the person you love too.

9. What do you think about polygamy?
There are many couples out there who define their relationship as a polyamorous one. You should definitely discuss this important relationship topic with your boyfriend.

10. What do you think is your worst habit?

Everyone has bad habits. But have you ever seen your worst partner?

Questions about relationships to ask a guy
Here we've rounded up the 10 best relationship questions to ask a guy. Those intimate questions are made for you to ask your boyfriend. Check out these 10 great conversation starters to deepen the connection between you and your special man!

1. If you think about your past love interests, do you have a special type? If so, am I compatible with it?
Everyone has their type. But are you the type? But don't be sad if you don't fit into his past type category. People change!

2. How would you feel if I made more money than you?

Even though we live in the 21st century, some men still feel intimidated by successful women. You should explain this early in the relationship.

3. Do you believe that love can last a lifetime?
Eternal love is usually the happy ending of fairy tales and romantic movies. But is there true love in real life? And have you ever found true love?

4. How does our relationship make you very happy?
The answers to these relationship questions to ask a guy are sure to surprise you. And I hope it makes you happy too!

5. How do you think you will become a grandfather?
This question to ask your girlfriend is for dreamers. How are you two going to be grandparents? Share your thoughts and dreams about the future!

6. What do you think about feminism?
Yes, actually there are still men in this world who believe that women are part of the kitchen. Better make sure you don't catch any of these guys.

7. What is your happiest childhood memory?
Talking about good childhood memories is always a great way to get to know each other on a deeper level. If he can't think of anything quickly, maybe give him more input: He can start thinking about past birthdays, vacations, vacations, or childhood friends.

8. What do you think is more important: Money or happiness?
Is he more of a materialistic man or an idealist man? And does he think money can buy you happiness? Also, share your opinion with your partner!

9. What do you think about voting?
The right to vote is a privilege that our ancestors fought for. And in many other countries, this struggle is not over. For this reason, everyone must vote in the election. Make sure your partner is always voting too.

10. Why do you love me?
The final relationship question to ask your boyfriend is a tough one. Here you have to give the guy of your choice some time to think about it. But once he gives you all the reasons why he wants to spend the rest of your life with you, you're bound to feel good. Have fun!

Questions about relationships to ask a girl
These 10 relationship questions are perfect for you if you want to start a deep conversation with your boyfriend. These conversation starters are ideal for deepening your relationship.

1. What is your dream job?
It is always nice to talk about dreams with loved ones. With these questions, you can share your thoughts, plans, and desires with each other. Try asking your boyfriend this question and see what happens!

2. Who was your first crush? And what happened to him?
Sometimes it hurts to talk about past love relationships with your partner, but it sure is liberating. Besides, the first crush was probably decades ago and wasn't that serious anyway. So let your boyfriend talk about his first love experience, and please don't laugh!

3. If you could be a man for a day, what would you do?
We're sure it's going to be something dirty. After your answer, he's guaranteed to ask you what you would do if you were a girl someday. Be prepared!

4. What do you remember about the first time we met?
First impressions are always something very special. Ask your boyfriend this question and find out what they thought when he first saw you!

5. What is your favorite smell?
Is there anything better than a pleasant smell? Find out which scent your boyfriend likes the most and who knows, maybe you'll find a perfume that smells like one? When you put it on, he definitely can't take his hands off you.

6. Who is your best friend and what do you like about that person?
True friendship cannot be compared to money. Some people have many friends, some only a few but very good friends. However, it reveals a lot about a girl how she treats her friends.

7. What do you like to do on rainy days?
In our opinion, a rainy day is ideal to spend in bed. But maybe your boyfriend prefers eating hot chocolate and listening to the rain, or he might prefer to watch a good movie, or he might just go out and dance in the rain. Ask questions about this relationship and find the answers!

8. What do you think about wedding rings?
Although wedding rings have a high symbolic value to many, for others they are a relic of a bygone era. Ask your boyfriend this question to find out what he thinks about the wedding ring. Beware, this question can lead to conversations about the future, marriage, and children. So ask this question only when you are ready.

9. Do you compare yourself to other girls? Why do you say that?
Comparing ourselves to others is unhealthy, but sadly, we all do it at some point. This question gives you an opportunity to boost your boyfriend's self-esteem.

10. If you had the opportunity to change one thing about yourself, what would you choose?
We all have small flaws that we want to fix. In most cases, these are things that other people don't even notice. So, ask your boyfriend this question to find out what he would like to change about himself.

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