Marriage Advice for Newlyweds: 8 Tips Every Newly Married Couple Must Know

by - February 01, 2022

Marriage Advice for Newlyweds: 8 Tips Every Newly Married Couple Must Know

Delivered by adult clinical psychologist Sri Juwita Kusumawardhani, after marriage, a person does have friends to face the problems of living together. But, it's good that we do not give the responsibility to solve various problems that are a personal burden to be solved by the couple.

"Maturity and mature attitude in solving various problems that we have do not occur automatically. This requires effort and is a task that needs to be done by each individual," said Wita, in the book Anti-Panic Preparing for Marriage compiled by the Three Generations Clinic team.

Quoted from the Times, there is eight wedding advice that can be conveyed to newlyweds, namely:

1. Make the house the most comfortable place

It is important for married couples to make the house a 'place of return'. In a sense, home becomes a place for couples to talk to each other and bring relationships closer together. Do not be at home busy couples each so that communication does not occur.

2. Don't forget to stay romantic

Staying romantic needs to be done every couple after marriage. By maintaining romance, husbands and wives can stay intimate and remember what fun things they've been through.

3. Calm down

The name of marriage will be a conflict. As a married couple, we must deal with conflict wisely. Communication is the key. Tell your partner what problems you're experiencing, discuss them, and find solutions. If needed, help a third party such as a family or professional.

4. Lean on your partner

Don't be reluctant to lean on your partner when there's a problem. That is, make the couple a place to complain and discuss friends in solving problems. After all, when two people are united, the problems experienced need to be known together.

5. Say thank you

Thanks. Simple words that actually have a big effect on the relationship of husband and wife. Thank you for what your partner has done. That way, we can focus on the positive things that the couple has rather than the negatives. So that the satisfaction of the relationship becomes greater.

6. Have time together

It is agreed that the husband and wife have the right to have time together. It's really important to refresh yourself after being preoccupied with various things in everyday life. In this case, it is necessary to understand what is his favorite.

7. Do something new

Sometime after the marriage, newlyweds may experience a decline in their enthusiasm for marriage. You could say, the couple's intimacy began to fall. Anthropologist Helen Fisher says, try to do new things with your partner.

"Doing new challenging things can trigger the release of the dopamine hormone. This is good for the relationship between husband and wife. Keep learning, growing, and adventuring together," said Fisher.

8. Understand if the division of household tasks is difficult to be equal

Sharing household chores with your partner is important. However, women need to realize that it is difficult to hope that there will be an equal division of tasks between husband and wife in household matters. However, in society, it is commonplace for wives to complete more household tasks than husbands.

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