12 Wedding Budget Tips to Save You Money on Your Big Day

by - February 20, 2022

12 Wedding Budget Tips to Save You Money on Your Big Day

Are you dizzy because the wedding funds are still low? There are many ways for you to save on wedding expenses!

Marriage is often considered to require a lot of money.

In fact, marriage doesn't have to be worth millions of dollars

Let's take a look at the various ways to save on wedding costs.

Marriage is the Beginning, Not the End

Maybe you feel that marriage is the final destination of your journey to find a partner. But in fact, marriage is just the beginning of your life with your partner.

Therefore, you should be wise in calculating the wedding budget and saving on wedding costs so that you can start your wedding well.

Don't always think that weddings have to be luxurious and expensive.

Many couples make this mistake: lavish parties that cost millions of dollars but don't have a house, a car, an investment, or even an emergency fund.

Do you want to be one of them? Of course not, right?

Smart wedding budget tips

When planning a wedding, couples often face stress due to being required to make careful planning with limited funds.

But actually, you can hold a wedding cheaply and still memorable.

There are still many alternative wedding vendors who offer offers that are not too expensive with memorable results.

If you also want a luxurious and beautiful wedding without the need to spend a lot of money, here are some tips for planning a budget wedding fund for you. We see below:

1. Use digital invitations

As technology advances, you no longer need to use paper or card invitations that are worth thousands of dollars.

Now you can use digital wedding invitations, especially for your friends, so the cost of wedding invitations can be minimized.

You can save a lot of money because you can get digital invitations very cheaply, even for free.

But usually, you still need a physical invitation to a close relative that must be respected.

If you keep printing the invitations, ask for a softcopy of the invitation to be used as a digital invitation.

But if you decide to go completely digital, you can look for affordable invitation design services.

2. Reduce the number of invitations

Have you ever seen your friend's wedding which was filled with work relatives and distant relatives of their parents?

a stranger on your own wedding day, why invite a lot of people who are not close to you?

Weddings are intimate events. Therefore, you do not need to invite too many people.

Invite family and close relatives who will make the wedding moment even more memorable.

3. Take advantage of the skills of friends and relatives

If you have relatives or friends with certain skills, for example, photography or make-up artist, there is nothing wrong with using the services of friends to save costs.

Besides being able to get a friend's price which is certainly cheaper, of course you will feel more comfortable because your wedding vendor is a close friend.

4. Minimize the cost of souvenirs

Nowadays wedding favors are getting more creative. For example ornamental plants or leather passport covers.

However, these souvenirs certainly require a lot of money.

But don't worry, you can make your own wedding favors that are more useful at affordable prices.

Now there are many DIY (do it yourself) souvenir ideas on the internet.

5. Minimize the cost of family uniforms

Buying materials and sewing uniforms for the family is a waste.

It's true, wedding photos will look neater when the colors and materials are the same.

However, there is an easy trick to outsmart it and get similar results, namely by asking the family to find their own clothes but with a uniform theme color.

Even though the materials are different, the photos will look neat and uniform without the need for additional costs.

6. Choose an affordable venue

It is true that one of the biggest costs in a wedding is the rent of the building.

Then what are the tips?

You can still enjoy a memorable wedding by choosing a cheaper venue, for example:

  • Pine forest
  • Flower garden
  • Poolside
  • Museum, etc.
Most importantly, the wedding location is safe and easy to access.

7. Choose minimalist wedding decorations

Today's wedding decorations are more simple and different from traditional decorations. You can consider decorating yourself to save on the cost of renting a decoration service.

Or if you really want to use decoration services, many vendors offer beautiful and luxurious aisle decoration alternatives at quite affordable prices.

Keep these tips in mind to cut your wedding decoration costs:

Avoid using real flowers and look for fake flowers of good quality. No one will care about the flowers on the wedding decorations when you and your partner are already looking stunning.

You can copy designs that have been used before so that the vendor does not incur additional costs to buy the decoration needs.

Choose a matching decoration color and use local products. No guest will notice whether the flowers are local or imported.

8. Using an inherited ring instead of buying

a wedding ring is an important sign of marriage, but who says it has to be expensive?

You can use a ring inherited from your grandparents instead of buying it.

Besides being cheaper, there is a value for memories stored in it.

9. Eliminate unnecessary expenses

Is it necessary to decorate the invitation table with large flowers bearing the name of the bride and groom?

It might be nice to look at, but actually, it makes it difficult for invited guests to talk to each other.

Or do you want to use a flower-strewn rug for your driveway?

Besides not really important, you can stumble while walking to the aisle because the carpet is covered with flower petals.

You can eliminate some things that are not important and allocate these funds for other more crucial things.

10. Rent rather than buy

Unlike a wedding ring that you have to use in the long term, some things in marriage only need to be used at the moment of the wedding.

For example, wedding dresses and tuxedos, heels, and much more.

Well, tips to save on wedding costs can be by renting rather than buying.

The wedding dress will only be used once, so there is no point in buying it.

Also, consider dresses belonging to new designers whose prices are still more affordable than well-known designers. So is the case with tuxedos and heels.

You're better off renting than buying new. Guaranteed you can save a lot of money from here.

11. Prioritizing what is important or setting priorities

Choose some of the wedding needs that you think are the most important.

You can allocate your budget to that section first, after that you can allocate the rest of the budget to other needs.

For example, if wedding photos are very important to you, then allocate funds to photography vendors that are guaranteed and you like.

You can take funds from the cost of souvenirs that can be kept as low as possible.

12. No need to be luxurious, the important thing is memorable

A wedding is not a luxurious event.

You don't have to rent a building that seats thousands of people, wears a thousand-dollar gown, or decorates your wedding venue with expensive imported flowers.

Imagine how many needs after marriage you can buy with these luxurious wedding funds?

You can hold a simple but memorable wedding with your family and closest relatives without the need for large funds.

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