5 Problems That Arise Due to a Breakup

by - December 31, 2021

5 Problems That Arise Due to a Breakup
Breaking up not only makes heartache but also causes other problems. In fact, it can damage health. Here are 5 problems that arise due to a breakup.

1. Decreased concentration

Of course, due to a breakup concentration and focus decreased because it is still imagined the pain of separating from a girlfriend. In addition to concentration, it can also cause anxiety problems and turn into depression.

2. Weakens the immune system

Breakups can kill certain parts of the body that are tasked with fighting disease-causing microbes. A broken heart produces the secretion of stress hormones that will affect the immune system over a period of time. This will make you weak and become more sensitive to disease.

3. Causes stress hormones

Cortisol is a stress hormone that is released when a person is experiencing stress as well as low blood glucose levels. One of the triggers is a breakup or heartbreak.
A breakup will cause the hormone cortisol to stay in the body longer. This will make you more stressed, often frightened, physically exhausted, and more.

4. Affects diet and sleep hours

When breaking up, the body tends to release a stress hormone called cortisol. It plays a role in diverting blood from the digestive system.
This can trigger conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome that will make overeating or eating less.
Talking about sleep, insomnia, or hypersomnia is a common phenomenon experienced by people who have recently separated. You will feel lower energy, stress, depression, and more.

5. Causes skin problems

Stress levels due to a breakup can lead to skin problems such as acne. A study conducted by researchers at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, UNITED STATES found that people who experienced excessive levels of stress, one of which was due to a breakup, were 23 percent more at risk of breakouts.

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