Elusive, These 8 Unique Psychological Facts about Love

by - December 30, 2021

Elusive, These 8 Unique Psychological Facts about Love
Although sometimes falling in love and being in a relationship makes us heartbroken, the feeling of love also reaps many benefits. In the end, regardless of the side effects that may be caused, being able to feel love is a valuable thing, both for emotions and physical. We should also be grateful for it.

In addition, there are many interesting psychological facts about love that can amaze you. What's that? Take a good look at the following discussion.

1. Falling in love is as addictive as cocaine or nicotine

Dopamine, a chemical released during the early stages of the relationship, is also activated while using cocaine and nicotine. These chemicals give you a sense of pleasure and happiness that makes many people addicted. It also increases the release of testosterone, which is important for attractiveness.

2. Hugging a partner can be an instant stress reliever

Hugging your partner when you or she feels stressed can instantly reduce stress. One study conducted by psychiatrists at the University of North Carolina found that when couples hugged, they experienced elevated levels of oxytocin, a hormone responsible for lowering stress levels and improving mood.

3. Being in a relationship can shape a person's personality

Love can shape a person's personality, even the most pessimistic people can change for the better after getting love in life, according to research published in the Journal of Personality.

In the study, after observing 245 young couples for 9 months, the scientists behind the study found that being in a relationship indirectly made couples more optimistic and confident. This is likely due to the positive emotions and experiences associated with the relationship.

4. Long-distance relationships can strengthen relationships

Not a few people feel hesitant in undergoing long-distance relationships, such as because of difficulty holding longing or worried about not being able to be loyal to each other. In fact, according to a study published in the Journal of Communication, long-distance relationships can not only be as successful as relationships in general but also more effective in building trust and satisfaction between the market.

5. Men fall in love more easily than women

If you think that women are more easily carried away and fall in love quickly than men, you are wrong. A study published in The Journal of Social Psychology found that men tend to fall in love and want to express their feelings first than women.

Although it is not yet known exactly the cause, the researchers theorize that this may be because women are more careful in choosing not to fall in love with the wrong person and are heartbroken.

6. Loving makes the heart healthier

Being in a love relationship affects life for the better both emotionally and physically. According to a meta-analysis by the American College of Cardiology of more than 3.5 million people across the country, individuals married up to age 50 are 12 percent less likely to develop the vascular disease compared to their divorced or single partners.

7. Love is the main factor that is the reason someone wants to get married

According to a survey from the Pew Research Center, about nine out of ten Americans say that love is the most important reason to get married. Only 28 percent of people said that financial stability was an important factor in determining which couples should marry.

What do you think? Although love is one of the most important reasons, it does not mean that love is the only reason to get married, yes. Getting married also needs provisions in addition to love.

8. A person tends to be attracted to people who look like himself or herself

Have you ever felt that many couples have similar physical traits? Well, it turns out that this has a reason, you know. According to the Lifehack page, we have a tendency to fall in love with someone similar to ourselves, ranging from facial features, hair color, eyes, ears, and so on.

This does not necessarily indicate that we are narcissistic individuals because not infrequently this attraction arises without us knowing.

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