These 5 Sweet Reasons You Shouldn't Make The Basis For Receiving Someone's Love

by - December 23, 2021

These 5 Sweet Reasons You Shouldn't Make The Basis For Receiving Someone's Love

In fact, humans are creatures who always need a reason. No exception in matters of feelings. In fact, even if we declare ourselves to accept someone without knowing why, in fact there are always concrete reasons that can be explained behind it all.

Of the various reasons that become the basic motive for feelings of love, there are five dangerous reasons that you should not make a decision to accept someone's love. Although these reasons sound good, sweet and convincing. What are they?

1. Because he is the most persistent person fighting for you

This excuse actually sounds good and flawless. After all, who in this world doesn't like to be fought for? But first let's be honest with ourselves. There are only two main reasons someone put the opposite sex into such a situation.

First: You are not really into him or her. Second: You're deliberately testing it hard. To see if he really wants to be with you. It's okay if you can't admit it yet. But this time I will tell you one little secret. Which might make you regret the past.

Quality men or women don't do that.

Quality people are usually quite happy with their lives. So if you let them continue to persevere and fall up and down after you; they may give up their feelings and move on. Don't be stupid with struggles and a myriad of mainstay techniques.

In the end, all that's left are challenge addicts who fight for you just to satisfy their egos. Or a desperate man who has no other life other than his partner.

2. Because you believe he can change

Change is a difficult thing. Especially if the change does not come from yourself. Expecting others to change is impossible. Especially if you're both stuck in your comfort zone. The situation will reduce the possibility of a person to change.

Even though it's love, you shouldn't just accept anyone who doesn't meet your standards just because you believe they can change. It is very unlikely that someone will change. Especially if the change involves character or bad habits.

Indeed, there are some people who can change. But, that's only a small part. And the case is special. God rebuked directly.

Therefore, it is very important for everyone to have standards. If you have a clear standard of living, you won't want to be a victim of your expectations of other people. Because you already understand that the only thing you can change is yourself.

3. Because he promised to marry you right away

This world is not only inhabited by honest people with noble hearts. But, also by humans who have the opposite heart. If someone is so easy to offer you a commitment to marry him immediately before even knowing exactly your personality, then you should be suspicious. You have to start questioning his motives.

Did this person ask me to marry because he is desperate with his life?

If this is the most likely reason why he asked you to marry, then it's really not your responsibility to make his life less desperate. People who are happy and mentally healthy will refuse to be used as a place to escape from the complexities that bind their lives.

Did he offer to marry me because I seemed fragile and easily manipulated?

If you grew up in a loving family. You will most likely grow up to be someone who is empathetic and appreciative. If you're not careful, your callous attitude can be used by bad people to their advantage.

Therefore you must control your feelings and keep thinking logically.

4. Because he is the one who can take your parents' heart

If he can only take your parents' heart but not your heart, then don't hesitate to reject him as a partner. Because your feelings are the most important priority. If your parents really want you to be happy, they won't force you. And will respect your different opinion.

Learn to be able to communicate with parents in a polite and assertive manner. Explain why you can't accept it if you're not sure. Even though you want to make your parents happy, it doesn't always have to be at the expense of your own.

5. Because he always makes you laugh

Having a partner who can be a friend is everyone's dream. Therefore, often we want a partner who is fun and always makes us laugh. But, does everyone who always makes us laugh deserve to be a partner? I don't think so.

Because if he can only make you laugh without being interested in getting to know yourself further and is only there when you are happy but disappears when you are sad, then that is an early sign of selfishness. In fact, it could be one of the characteristics of a Benign Narcissist.

Benign Narcissism itself is a type of narcissism that makes the sufferer behave immaturely. While they may be fun at first because they always make you laugh and feel like a free child, they are people who find it difficult to make intimacy and share vulnerabilities. If you continue, what was initially fun will turn out to be very tiring for you.

So, even though he easily makes you laugh, that's not a reason for you to take him for granted. Think about other aspects of his personality too. Do not be easily charmed without first finding out who he really is.

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