7 Powerful Move On Tips from Psychologists

by - December 22, 2021

7 Powerful Move On Tips from Psychologists

Heartbreak is not a pleasant experience. There was no consolation that could make the pain inevitable. But this is something that everyone has to face at some point. There is no other way to leave a broken heart apart from going through it.

A number of psychologists offer solutions that can be applied to heal yourself from a broken heart. But keep in mind, these moving on tips will not evaporate all the sadness overnight.

In the end, moving on is a process and the tips these psychologists offer are ways to get through it in a healthy way. So that we will not fall into a series of behaviors that hurt ourselves

1. Don't stalk her social media

No need to check social media. This will only strengthen its presence in your mind. As a result, it becomes increasingly difficult for you to stop fantasizing about him and your finished relationship.

2. Stop questioning why your relationship ended

There's no need to keep asking why your relationship ended. This will only make him continue to be the main character in your life. Just accept reality as it is.

3. Do fun things even if you don't want to

Try to do activities that normally make you happy, even if they don't look like fun at the moment. Continuing to 'move' like this is important to get you used to the fact that life goes on, even though he is no longer by your side.

4. Get rid of the memories

Keep items of memorable value out of sights, such as dolls, photos, or the clothes he gave them. If possible, donate or give to friends or relatives who don't live in the same house.

5. Take advantage of the support of friends

Reach out to your closest friends and take advantage of the comfort and emotional support they provide.

"The best thing you can do is talk about how you feel about the breakup with close friends and loved ones," says Dr. Michael Zentman, a psychologist told Insider. "Hearing yourself clearly say how you feel in the presence of others can be very helpful."

6. Don't follow your momentary desire

It's okay to change hairstyles, find a new partner, or do things you've never imagined before. But do it when your mental condition is stable.

"Know all your feelings, especially those that are impulsive, dark, and angry. But try not to turn them into action," says Dr. Karen Weinstein.

"Even making dramatic changes to your appearance such as a short cut or coloring your hair or tattoos is not recommended. There will come a time for a new look when you feel more stable."

7. Reflecting on the experience

Make a list of things you should never do, but have done for him. This will help you to see your relationship with a clearer view.

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