5 Reasons Not to Believe in Love at First Sight

by - January 10, 2022

5 Reasons Not to Believe in Love at First Sight

Romeo and Juliet fall in love after they first meet. Likewise told in many romantic films such as Titanic, trying to display the magic of love at first sight between Jack and Rose.

However, love, at first sight, is not something extraordinary. It can be explained scientifically, and even tends to trigger negative social impacts.

Well, here are some of the realities of love at first sight and the reasons why we don't need to believe it.

1. Love, at first sight, is only a personal prejudice

We all unconsciously have biased attitudes, and judging someone who has just met in just a short period of time is greatly influenced by our prejudices. This is the reason the term love appears at first sight because meeting someone who in our view is the perfect partner.

2. Influence of hormones and instincts to multiply

When we are attracted to someone, hormones like testosterone and estrogen begin to work by telling us to approach them. Basically, it is a natural instinct that keeps humanity from becoming extinct. So, love, at first sight, is just our basic instinct to multiply.

3. Based only on physical appearance

"At first glance" means 100 percent based on what the eye sees. In addition to physical, other senses such as body language, smell, sound, and speech style also play a role and influence our first judgment of a person.

4. Love, at first sight, is only a momentary passion

If we are attracted to someone we only see at a glance, it is entirely out of momentary passion. This passion is defined as the strong desire to have someone simply because of physicality. It doesn't matter if we are emotionally attached or not.

5. Love, at first sight, is usually only one-sided

Love, at first sight, is usually only one-sided. So, the feeling of love isn't always on the other side. Believe it or not, love, at first sight, triggers heartbreak, because the person we love may not be interested in us.

Do you believe in love at first sight and why? Have you ever experienced a feeling of being attracted to the first person you met?

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