Psychologist's Advice on Preparing Mentally Before Marriage

by - January 16, 2022

Psychologist's Advice on Preparing Mentally Before Marriage

Carrying out a marriage becomes the desire of couples who feel confident in each other. Many have imagined how happy it is to have a wedding and live together with a loved one.

But don't forget, that when stepping up to a more serious level with your partner, it does not mean you will always enjoy the sweetness of life. In this life no one is perfect, there are always problems and obstacles to be faced. It's possible that problems have started to arise when you and your new partner decide to get married.

It is necessary to realize that marriage is not only about you and your partner, but also involves parents, family, and those closest to you. The inclusion of opinions or views that are different from others, can make the preparation process less comfortable. It could also be that you and your partner are suddenly not compact when preparing everything for the wedding because it is prone to conflict. Such conditions must be sought for a solution.

In addition, after holding a wedding, you start a new life with your partner. If there is a dispute, you can no longer do the break-up as when dating. Everything has to be faced together.

So, it is very important to prepare mentally to face the challenges in marriage. "When a person gets married without preparing psychologically, the most frequent risk is divorce at a short marriage age," explained Ega Alfath, M.Psi., Psychologist, when contacted on Tuesday (12/6).

According to Ega Alfath, there are 3 formulas that can help prepare mentally before marriage and wading through the household ark. The formula can also be used in the marriage later. What are the three formulas? Check out the following explanation:

1. Conscious

You should be aware that everyone has disadvantages and advantages, including your partner, extended family, and friends. The shortcomings are not only in them but also in you. If there is a conflict that arises repeatedly, you should be with your partner self-consciously looking for the cause to anticipate or solve the problem.

2. Know

Not only do we know the feelings of loving each other, but we also need to know about the needs, expectations, and visions of marriage that you and your partner have to align with the purpose of life. Having knowledge of the science of marriage is also necessary to educate yourself.

3. Want

You and your partner must be willing to fight and commit with your partner. Struggling to improve each other, forgive the mistakes of yourself and your partner in the relationship. Be open about what makes us comfortable and not. Great disagreements in paired life often occur not because of a big problem alone, but a small discomfort that accumulates in the relationship.

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